As I come to Thanksgiving this week, I look back on all that I’m grateful for in my life, especially in this last year. Yes, there have been hard moments, but some have been so sweet and I will treasure them in my heart forever. My world revolves around these sweet souls, my family. We love each other hard, say I’m sorry when we mess up, forgive, get loud and crazy, and share movies quotes.
(Photo taken by the insanely talented: Brianna Wilber )
Here’s a short gratitude list, but just because it’s short doesn’t make it any less true:
- I’m so thankful for a healthy family, both in my little immediate family and my extended families. I’ve been reminded lately how short and fragile life really is. Someone close our family is battling cancer. Another friend lost her sister and infant niece quickly during childbirth. All of this has really made me savor life more, gatherings with family and just the little everyday things.
- I’m thankful for the man who does life with me daily. He is my very best friend and makes me laugh like no one else. He listens to me and holds me when I need to cry. I love you, Babe!
- Of course I’m thankful for the three little souls who made me a momma. Life is crazy some days, but I wouldn’t trade them for anything. They are my world!
- I’m thankful I have the opportunity to homeschool my kids. Since the world is crazy and everything is out of control, I feel so at peace keeping my sweet babies home with me, teaching them life lessons and discipling their little hearts daily. It’s truly a gift!
- I’m thankful for the small apartment we live in, despite how quickly it feels we are out-growing it. I love the view out my back door and our yard so much! I get to watch the leaves change on the mountain, see the fog in the valley in the mornings, and let my kids run free in the yard.
- Another person I’m thankful for is my mom. She inspires me, challenges me when I’m down, is fun to hang out with and takes care of my kids whenever I ask her. Love you, Mom!
- I’m thankful for close friends who I can have a good heart to heart chat with when we are together. I’m a real one-on-one or a smaller group kind of person. It recharges me to have a cup of coffee and good conversation. I have a few of these friends and I truly treasure them! (you know who you are!)
- And last but not least, I’m so thankful for this small business of mine. It gives me a creative outlet, gives me a chance to help out financially, gets me out of the house, and gives me the chance to meet some really amazing mommas! I count it a true honor to capture the legacy of other mommas, giving them a way to tell their story and pass down heirlooms to their children. So thank you for being here and hiring me to take photos for you!
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[…] There are many, many more things or people I could add to this list of things I’m thankful for in 2023, but I’m going to stop here. If you want to read my list from a few years ago, head to the post titled Grateful. […]