Three Things I Wish My Clients Knew

We all have expectations coming into a photo session. But here are three things I wish my clients knew that might dispel some the more unreasonable expectations.

Woman walking through a field in three things I wish my clients knew

You Don’t Have to Look Perfect

You may think that every hair needs to be in place, every outfit perfectly on point and each child without a single scratch or bruise. But this is simply not the case. Yes, you want to put your best foot forward so to speak when investing in a photo session. However you don’t all have to look perfect. Life isn’t perfect. Quite frankly it’s messy. So embrace those images you get with your hair flying in the wind. Relish the images of the skinned knees on your kid because that’s part of childhood, part of learning new things. Don’t hate those few extra pounds you wish you would have lost. This is all part of your story.

Little boys laughing in a field with a kitten

Kids Will Act Up

You might be tempted to think after a session that your kid is the only one who ever had a melt down at a session. Wrong! Part of the reason I only offer 45 min-1 hour for a family session is because kids are often done with photos long before I am. 🙂 I have had many kids not interested in photos, be shy or just have a melt down. If you do your best as a parent to guide them at a session, I will do my best to interest them in activities that lead to beautiful images. I’m not beyond singing “Baby Shark,” wiggling my butt or talking about bodily functions. Together, you and I can create some beautiful images with your sweet babies.

Young girl with momma and pregnancy bump

You Are Beautiful

I think if I had to pick one of these three things I wish you knew, it would be this one! Hands down. The first tendency as women is to pick apart ourselves in photos. Even the most beautiful of women do this. Please rest in knowing you are beautiful because you truly are! Your Creator made you unique and beautiful from the very beginning of your life. Don’t let the extra pounds you haven’t lost yet, or the new-found wrinkles on your forehead keep you from getting your photos taken or loving the images you get in your gallery. This is all part of your story and it’s worth documenting no matter how you feel about yourself. Your kids will not look back on these photos in the years to come and think you look awful. They will cherish having images of their sweet momma and the love you all share. The best thing you can bring to a photo session is confidence and joy! These shine through above all else!

Woman walking through a field

If you would like to have more of your questions answered about a family session with me, you can go HERE. And if you would like to invest in a new dress for your session, contact me for my favorite shops or head to my Pinterest for more inspiration.

Client Education

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5 Dresses for your Next Session

Do you struggle to know where to go for a dress for your next photo shoot? I have links for you to shop in this free guide. Let me take the stress out for you!

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