Photography Mentor Session | Lancaster, PA

Film Photography Mentor Session

Woman at Photography Mentor Session in Lancaster PA

Did you know I offer photography mentor sessions? Well, I do! I love to share what I know about photography, business, editing and really anything to those who want to learn. I have found it’s so helpful to have someone you can just ask any question to in regards to what you want to learn. These questions are tailored specifically to you. The sky’s the limit with me. I’m an open book!

Woman holding camera on the left and the same woman shooting photos with a film camera on the right

Recently Katie, of Katie Rose Photography, came to me asking to learn about film. She had a mentor session with me late last summer about all kinds of digital photography things, but this time she wanted to know how to shoot medium format film. I was happy to teach her all that I know. We spent time at the computer learning film stocks, how to meter film, and many other things. Then we headed to Flourish Flowers to practice loading film and shooting it on each other and on the flowers. It was a fun time together learning and practicing together.

If you would like to book a mentor session like this with me, you can head to my Contact Page to message me to get more information. I would love to meet with you and help you on your photography journey!

Up close details of Pentax 645nii at Photography Mentor Session in Lancaster, PA

Note: These images weren’t taken on film. I’m still waiting for those images to hit my desk.


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