Film and A Maternity Session

It has been a dream of mine for a long time to learn how to shoot film. The skin tones, the color of the images, the way it captures highlights and shadows… it all just sucks me in and I knew I just had to learn more about it. When you are shooting film you have to be more intentional with each shot and make it count. This in turn makes you even better as a digital photographer because you learn to slow down and not just click, click, click all the time.

Earlier this fall I asked Diane, one of my dear friends who taught me a lot about photography already, to mentor me on how to shoot film. She is a great teacher and lined up a beautiful momma to be our model for this session. I was so excited to learn all that I could!

We first sat down together in Diane’s office and she showed me all the ropes of how to load film, how to send it to your lab to get it developed, what kinds of film stocks there are, how you receive your film once it’s developed and even how to make your digital shots look as close as possible to your film shots. I love to learn this kind of stuff and was in heaven!

Despite the frigid temps that November day, our model, Gianna, was trooper! She posed easily and let us gush over how beautiful she looked. My fingers were somewhat numb as I loaded film into the camera after each roll was shot. But it was all worth it!

I don’t have my own film camera yet, but I hope to buy one in the future! There is something about film that while it is more challenging to shoot because you can’t see instant results, it is still so fulfilling! I think some of my favorite images from this session are the black and white ones on film. The images shown here are a mixture of digital and film. 


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Maternity Maternity

Maternity Maternity Maternity Maternity Maternity Maternity Maternity Maternity Maternity Maternity




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