Successfully Start Your Day

Have you ever wondered how to successfully start your day as a mama and homemaker? Does getting up in the morning feel like a drag and something you don’t want to face? I’m no expert, but I have learned some tips and tricks along the way that help me so much each day.

woman making her bed in how to successfully start your day

First I want to say, I have an intimate relationship with Jesus that makes all the difference in my life. Without him I’m nothing and don’t have what I need as a wife, mama and homemaker. He love me so much and is with me each step, each task of my day! It’s ultimately His strategies given to me which help me run my business, homeschool, be a wife and homemaker.

Clean Up Your Kitchen

My first practical recommendation for how to have a successful start to your day is to clean up your kitchen the night before. So much of our lives as mamas revolves around the kitchen. We make food, host friends, can and freeze food, and even teach our kids life skills there. If you wake up to a dirty kitchen, right away you might feel discouraged or disgusted with your day. Instead, wash the dishes, load the dishwasher, wipe the crumbs from the table and sweep the floor. You’ll be amazed at how this makes you feel better when you wake up to the space in the morning.

Lay Out Clothes for Your Kids

Another practical tip is to lay out clothes for your kids. This mainly applies for me on Sunday mornings since my kids are homeschooled. They don’t need to have specific outfits picked for other days of the week. For me it’s simply pulling their clothes from the closet and hanging it the closet knobs. This will make getting out the door on time much easier.

I’ve actually made a free guide for you with more tips than the two I’ve featured here. You can snag your free guide HERE. I would also love to know in the comments if you’ve tried any of these or if you have more you would add to the list. Another encouraging post you can read from me would be How to Respond to Your Kids.


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Ways to set up your morning for success

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Ways to Set Your Morning up for Success

Do you struggle as a mama to get your day off on the right foot? I've got some practical suggestions for you in this free guide. Would you love to hear more?

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