I know many times a day as a mama you struggle with how to respond to your kids. All of us struggle with it. It’s universal. We are constantly asked, “Hey Mom!,” “Guess what?!?,” and our least favorite… “MOOOMMMY!” yelled at the top of their little lungs. I know for me if I’m in the middle of a chore, project, or making supper, it’s so hard to respond with the correct tone of voice or even the right words.

“Yes, Love?”
Recently on Instagram there was THIS REEL being shared by another mama explaining how she changed her response to her kids from one of frustration to “Yes, Love?” She explained how it shifted things dramatically in her home. I was challenged by this reel as were many of my friends. So I wrote out a simple sticky note with just the words, “Yes, Love?” written on it as well as one other challenge (I will share that as a bonus at the end). I put that sticky note near my kitchen sink where I would see it every day.
Something about this simple shift in my answer and attitude, just makes all the difference! While I can’t say my response to my kids is always stellar, it has helped it change a lot! I realized after saying, “Yes, Love?” a few times that it didn’t feel like me. So instead I have changed it to saying, “Yes, Hon?” This term of endearment felt more like something I would say on a normal basis.
Choose to respond gently
Our words have power and our responses as mamas can shift the atmosphere in our homes in a big way! So do something simple to remind yourself to give a more gentle response to your kids. It will soften your heart as well as theirs.

Bonus: The other thing I have written on my sticky note is, “Your kids just need a content mama.” True confession: I don’t remember who challenged me with this quote or where it came from. But these two reminders together have a big impact! When we are content in our homes, work, schedule and even ourselves, our kids will sense that. What do you need to shift to be content? Do you need to practice gratitude for what is right in front of you?
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[…] How to Respond to Your Kids […]
[…] I’ve actually made a free guide for you with more tips than the two I’ve featured here. You can snag your free guide HERE. I would also love to know in the comments if you’ve tried any of these or if you have more you would add to the list. Another encouraging post you can read from me would be How to Respond to Your Kids. […]