It’s already the end of June, and I want to say, “Slow down, Summer!” It’s going WAY to fast around here! I’m reminded on every corner lately how bittersweet motherhood is. On one hand we want to just get to the next phase… our baby sleeping through the night, that toddler finished with potty training, the 1st grader knowing how to read, and the list goes on. But then we blink and realize we are in the next phase of life. BOOM! Just like that! Did we really get the chance to savor the one before this?

What if instead of wishing for the next phase we just stopped to savor this one, to savor this summer? I’m only about one decade into this whole parenting gig, but the phrase, “The days are long and the years are short” couldn’t be more true! I already want to go back to those baby days at times, just to savor my babies, smell their sweet smells, and snuggle their little bodies close. Now I don’t want to miss the season I’m in of giggles, LOTS of questions, kid jokes, wild imaginations and munching fresh mulberries.
My challenge to you is to sit down, even if it’s just for 10 minutes. Reflect on what you want the rest of this summer to look like. What do you want to make sure you do together as a family? How do you want to make summer slow down? Is there a vacation or day trip you have been thinking of taking? I have a great Summer Bucket List to get you started HERE. Another suggestion is to turn off the TV and join the Summer Reading Program at your local library. These activities don’t have to cost you money. It’s the little things our kids will remember. I can’t wait to hear what you do this summer to slow down, take a breath and savor your sweet littles!

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[…] If you are in need of more encouragement for your summer, check out my last post Slow Down Summer. […]
[…] another summer posts head to Slow Down, Summer. If you would like a summer session with me that is style or just fun, head to my Inquire page and […]