Lititz Family Styled Session

This Lititz Family Styled Session took place on a historic farm that three generations currently live and farm on. There is a history of revival that broke out in a barn on this property. I love stories like this where revival breaks out in ordinary places, where God shows up and things change! One of the main things this farm is know for is grass-fed beef and naturally raised pork. You can head to this link to check out Long Farm Meats.

Back to this sweet family though… I asked them to be a part of a session that I would give some direction and style to in regards to location and clothing. I envisioned blues, sage green and cream for the clothing. For location I wanted something that lends itself to everyday life… the pasture, farm, wheat field, and plants. More of a homestead vibe.

Paula makes soap out of the tallow from the cows they raise on the farm. She discovered she could use the tallow from the cows they butchered to create a new product. It’s been amazing to see her take off in business! I wanted to include her soap in the session as well since it’s part of their farm and her everyday life. Personally we as a family use her soap on a daily basis as our body soap. It’s truly wonderful! Locally you can find it at Cocalico Creek Home and Prussian Street Arcade. You can also follow along on all of the Long Farm offerings on their Instagram.

Lititz Family Styled Session in pasture
Lititz Family Styled Session on family farm
Mother in pasture with toddler
Father and son playing in a pasture
Details of mother holding toddlers feet
Mother reading a story to her kids outdoors at Lititz Family Styled Session
Mother laughing with toddler at Lititz Family Styled Session
Husband and wife in a pasture on the family farm
Mother and daughter face to face
Mother interacting with daughter; photo of a young boy
Young girl with a flower
Handmade Soap and woman walking in a pasture at Lititz Family Styled Session
Child watering flowers
Husband and wife in a pasture
Young girl eating an orange on the porch steps
Toddler and mother watering flowers
Black and white image of mother watering flowers with her toddler
Homemade soap and maker
Woman walking next to the wheat field at Lititz Family Styled Session
Handmade charcoal soap
Handmade Dish Soap
Handmade soap with details
Basket of homemade soaps

If you missed last week’s post, it was also on a farm with several generations living together. It involves family, cute kids, a kitty and spritzers. You can check it out HERE.


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  1. […] session this fall, you can contact me HERE. Also you can view Four Generations Family Session and Lititz Family Styled Session to see more of what a family session with me can look like. You can also comment with your question […]

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