Did you ever meet one of those couples who just draw you in with their story, one that you could keep listening to for a while? Matt & Sarah have exactly that kind of story. It’s one that’s far from over because they are still in the thick of it right now. Long nights caring for a toddler and a newborn baby. Sickness in their house while Matt battles an autoimmune disease. Setting up what should have been the nursery into a room for Matt to use for dialysis at night. Balancing both of their jobs through everything.
You see, Matt has an autoimmune disease that has attacked his kidneys and now they are failing. He has gone through chemo to try to help his body to get rid of the disease so he can prepare for a kidney transplant. He needs a miracle. But through all of this you should hear him and Sarah talk about God, about how He has pursued them and cared for them through it all. They have peace and faith that draws you in.
In the middle of this season of faith, Sarah gave birth 19 days early to their second sweet baby girl at home. This was not the plan, to have her at home, but she came quickly and is completely healthy. Baby Audrey is so dear! Her sweet newborn squeaks and sounds melted my heart during her newborn session.
Matt and Sarah, it’s an honor to know both of you. You have inspired me with your faith and trust in God. I’m so glad to have crossed paths with you through our church! I’m praying for a miracle and for healing right along side you. Sarah, I just have to say, you are amazing! Not many women could be going through this season with such grace, poise and peace. I walked away from your newborn session blown away by how well you seem to handle everything that has come your way. Thank you for the honor of capturing Audrey’s newborn photos!
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Wow what an amazing story so far! These are beautiful images that I know they’ll always cherish!
You have captured the love that they share with each other and all they meet.!
They are a wonderful family and these pictures are amazing.