Happy Birthday, Sweet Girl

It’s hard to believe today marks 7 years since my sweet girl came into the world. I dreamt all my life of having a daughter and she is exactly who I needed. So today I want to honor her with a birthday letter of sorts here on the blog…

Birthday Girl

My Dearest Isla,

Happy Birthday, my sweet girl! I can’t believe you are 7 years old now. It seems like just last week I went into the hospital to have you. I prayed as I was laying in surgery for your birth that I would be ok if you weren’t a girl. We had chosen not to know your gender, but I had been given a dream you were a girl. Jesus heard my prayer on that table and gave me the daughter I had wanted for a long time.

One of my favorite things about you is your CONFIDENCE! You know who you are and make no apologies for it. This is something I hope and pray the world doesn’t take from you. There are going to be far too many petty girls who come into your life and try to steal your sparkle. Please don’t let them get to you! Just keep being beautiful, vivacious, confident you!

I put you in ballet class because you declared for years you were going to dance school when you got bigger. But I also put you in ballet because it was a secret wish of mine as a little girl to do ballet. I didn’t get to do it, but you do. It brings me so much joy to see you dance at home, at church, in class and at Spring Recital. You’re so passionate about dance!

I pray daily that Jesus captures your heart and you live for Him every single day of your life. I’m so proud of your decision to give your heart to Him at a young age, and then your decision to be baptized last winter. May you love reading the Bible, have a passion for prayer and love people the way Jesus does.

Lastly thank you for loving me so well as your momma! Besides a relationship with Jesus, my other main prayer is that you and I have a strong, beautiful relationship. I want to be your cheerleader, shoulder to cry on, confidant, shopping buddy and friend. Yes, I first am your mom, but I’m also here for you in so many other ways.

I love you with all my heart! Happy, Happy 7th Birthday, my sweet girl!

All my Love,


Child looking at snap dragons in flower garden
Girl walking by the field
Daughter with snap dragons
child in wheat field


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