Coatsville Newborn Session


Have you seen or heard of those mommas who calmly care and nurture their sweet babies with an air of grace about them? Priscilla is one of those mommas. From the moment I walked into their home for their newborn session, she was so calm and collected. She finished getting herself ready, carefully combed her older boys hair, and answered each question from them with love. Even when the baby was unsettled during the shoot, she gently cared and fed him until he was calm again. I truly believe God knew she would be the perfect momma to bless with three little boys.

Sweet Asher Zane is the perfect addition to this momma and her family! He is completely adorable with all his dark hair and chubbiness. I adore chubby babies! All those rolls mean there is just more to squish and love on.

I also have to mention that this is the first shoot ever where I have been greeted by a big rooster on the front porch. He seemed to rule the roost there and I wasn’t sure how to act around him. Thankfully Eli came to my rescue and chased him off. I found out later that he isn’t even their rooster and has just made himself at home. I guess you never know when you may need a guard rooster watching over your house.

Pricilla, you have a grace about you that even I noticed during your session. Your warm tone of voice and gentle love with your kids is a beautiful thing! Eli and your boys are incredibly blessed to have you as their wife and momma. I’m truly glad to have met you, and I hope we can catch up again on life, homeschooling and all the things we both love sometime in the near future. Best wishes as you guide, love and raise Asher to love Jesus!



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